Truth About Being Born Gay
Born That Way
The issue of special rights for homosexuals hinges in part on the notion that the trait is genetic. To date there is no credible evidence to support this view, though many have been searching for a gay gene for years. There have been three “studies” which were once cited to suggest an inherited homosexual trait, but all three have been scientifically discredited. (One of these was the 1991 study by Simon LeVay. Another was a study by J.M. Baily and R.C. Pillard in 1991. The third was the Dean Hamer study in 1993.)
The medical and scientific evidence suggest that indeed, there is no such thing as “homosexuality,” in the sense of genetic determination.
Those who insist on a genetic cause must answer an obvious question. Whenever we hear of someone who says that so-and-so was “born gay,” we ask, “Which parent did he inherit his homosexuality from?” Obviously, homosexuals do not propogate themselves. Wouldn’t natural selection have eleminated any gene that resisted propogation from the population?
Then what does cause homosexual tendencies? Many who have counseled people who practice homosexuality are convinced that in most cases there has been a serious and extreme loss of confidence in own’s manhood (or womanhood). This may have been the result of extremely detached parenting (especially from the father), from some other person who had a major influence at a young age, childhood sexual encounters, etc.
But some admit the reason they got into the homosexual lifestyle was simply because of its availability. More and more, representatives of the gay community are acknowledging that homosexual behavior is simply a choice. Gareth Kirkby of Xtra West, a gay publication, said that there is no longer any need to lie about it. He admits that he freely chose the lifestyle.
Those in the gay lifestyle can and do come out of it. Various studies show that success rates of those wanting to leave the lifestyle range from 30% to 70%. It is, no doubt, difficult to leave the lifestyle. One reason it is so difficult is because of its addictive nature.
Even if it were shown that there is a genetic component to homosexuality, that would still not make it right. Compare, for example, alcoholism. It is generally believed that there is an inherited tendency for alcoholism. But that inherited tendency does not condone the behavior, nor does one who inherits the trait necessarily become addicted to alcohol. Society tries to compassionately help those caught in that addiction. While difficult, many people inflicted with alcoholism are successful in reforming their lives.
All human beings are faced with sexual temptation of some sort during their lifetime. Homosexual attractions and temptations are not exempted, just as adultery is not exempted from being sinful behavior. As heterosexuals, we argue that we ourselves have a tendency—which we are certain is genetically inherited—to want to cheat on our spouse. This desire is quite strong. Yet we do not act on this desire and are able to suppress it.
Many young people go through a normal period of examining their sexuality. If during this period society tells them that homosexual conduct is okay, they may be encouraged to try it. This experimentation may lead to a lifestyle that would not otherwise occur if the cultural mandate were not present.
Here are some interesting statistics to consider:
- Around a third of gays, and many lesbians, say that they were “seduced,” “molested,” or persuaded by either formal or informal association into becoming participants in homosexuality. Many males who engage in same-sex sex claim they were “made compulsively homosexual” by seduction/molestation.
- Probably at least a third of children raised by a homosexual parent also take up the practice.
- A boy raised through teen years in a city is three times more apt to engage in homosexuality than a boy raised in rural areas.
Outstanding post. Alcoholism is something people have to talk about, not retain it taboo. It is the sole way to assist those who need it.
Great One…
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